June Client Spotlight!

As we continue to grow the Core (LP) community we’d like to take a moment to shoutout a client who embodies everything Core (LP) is about. From working hard and treating fitness as a long-play to always showing a warm welcome to the instructors and fellow clients. Meet Nicole Brooks! Our very first Client Spotlight!

Tell us a bit about your fitness journey!

I was very active throughout my early years as a dancer, but never found anything I really loved moving into my mid 20s.  I was more of an elliptical and ab workout devotee, and not even consistently.  My husband was a huge motivator for me to seek out more of a routine (mostly because I wanted to tag along at the gym to spend time together!).  I found group fitness to provide the structure I needed while also constantly changing and challenging myself as time progressed.

It wasn’t long into my more dedicated routine that I found myself leaning into fitness as a way of providing control and comfort through my years of infertility.   I found exercise as a mainstay that I needed for my mental health while I navigated the rounds of treatment we utilized before we conceived our two daughters.  Now I use it as my “me time” where I can wholly disconnect from the stressors at home and the constant mental load of parenting two little ladies!

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What brought you in to Core (LP)?

Lagree was an exercise format I had never tried, so I was curious and excited to challenge myself to something new.  I felt very challenged in the best way possible, and after the two week intro special I was hooked and wanted to continue my practice to strengthen + lengthen my body while also enjoying the overall community at the studio.

Plank challenge, core strengthening exercises, get abs quick

What do you love most about Core (LP)?

First and foremost I was struck by the people.  The Instructors are incredible, kind, encouraging + inclusive.  When you walk in you feel an immediate sense of community.  It’s very easy to be intimidated in a new fitness space, but I felt very welcomed. I also LOVE how much stronger I have gotten in my core and lower body; the results have been incredible and extremely motivating to continue on with my practice in Lagree.

Lunge workouts, peach lab, solidcore, lbs

What has been your biggest accomplishment at the studio?

For me it was strengthening areas that I am still adjusting postpartum as I gave birth less than a year ago now.  My hip flexors are naturally very tight, and Lagree has helped me so much to stretch and lengthen those muscles.  I also love that the entire workout focuses in on active core engagement and deep pelvic floor muscles.

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What are some of your fitness goals in the next few months?

For me it’s continuing to show up for myself consistently while also knowing when my body needs a break to rest.  It’s a balance that I’m constantly trying to find especially in this very busy season of being a stay at home mom to young kids while also ensuring I have my own autonomy with my time.

What is a fun fact about you?

I’m a twin!


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