1990s Rapper Mase said it best when he said, “Breathe, Stretch, Shake, Let it Go”. So often we forget how stretching both before and after a workout can actually make our sweat session more effective. Below are some of my absolute favorite stretches to get my body going!


Neck & Back

So often we stretch our shoulders and triceps, but we forget to stretch our neck. Our necks and backs are two places that tend to carry a lot of our stress and deserve a deep stretch both before and after your Core (LP) 1-1. To set up, Look down to the right corner of the room you’re in. Place your right arm behind your back, clasp your right wrist with your left hand, and gently pull just enough so you feel the stretch towards the back of your neck. To stretch different parts of your neck, slow move your head around.

Deeper Stretch

To release even more tension, try pulling a little more on your wrist vs. reaching your head further down. Remember, we don’t want to strain our muscles!


Glutes & Outer Thighs

So much of the work we do in every day life (and the Mega) involve our glutes. To really stretch your perfect peach take one heel on top of your opposite knee and carefully sit down into a squat. From there gently press your top knee down toward the floor. You should feel this alongside the outer party of your cheek. Stay here for at least 20 seconds (yes at least 20) before switching to the other side.

Deeper Stretch

If you want a deeper stretch, hold on to your Megaformer high bars or TRX straps and sit extra low. You can also take deep breaths and sink your top knee lower with each exhale.



Looking to mix up your hamstring stretch? Instead of reaching straight down for your toes or separating your feet, try crossing one leg over the other and letting your torso and up hinge forward. This stretch will lengthen your hamstring and release some of the tension you might have in your glutes.

Deeper Stretch

Take your time getting lower into this stretch by taking deep breaths in. It is very common to only come to the top of the calf. Never force yourself to go lower than your body wants to that day.


Hip Flexors

Butterflies are a great way to open your hip flexor quickly and stretch your lower back. To set up, place your heels together, push your elbows against your knees and reach down towards your ankles to lower your body.

Deeper Stretch

Take your time getting lower into this stretch by taking deep breaths in. Gradually bring your belly closer to the floor vs. trying to pull your head to your heels.

Lower Back & Shoulders

Cat cow is the forever classic stretch. Someone once told me that doing cat cow every morning for at least 2 minutes, can get your metabolism moving, connect your breath to body, and give you a boost of energy. To set up, get into table-top position with the top of your feet pressed into the floor. Inhale as you push your hands away from the floor as your round your spine. Exhale as you drop your belly to the floor and look up to the ceiling.


Stick To Your Workout Routine with Every Changing Season!


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