This month we are featuring a client that’s heart matches the beauty of her welcoming smile. You’ll probably see her leading the class in the slowest 4-count ever while making sure every newbie in the room feels welcome and part of the crew!

From chronic fibromyalgia pain to planking through this next level of her fitness journey. Meet the loving, determined, and absolutely transformational Saira Khan, this month’s client spotlight.

Tell us about your fitness journey

Unfortunately, I have had chronic pain since I was 14 which has gotten worse with time. When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at a younger age, I was given medications to help the pain and while trying physical therapy, chiropractic relief, massages, stints of gym memberships, I was not able to stick to a consistent fitness routine as I would somehow injure myself or exacerbate the pain - even if I were just walking! While yoga classes provided temporary relief, at some point I accepted the chronic and pervasive pain as part of my life and became hopeless and then resigned to it.

Why did you decide to join?

I think I hit a moment of desperation/frustration where my pain had gotten significantly worse in 2023, where I had new bouts of inflammation in my wrists and elbows, which was alarming to say the least. I also knew a lot of my back/hip pain was a result of my very weak core. I stumbled upon 'Core' (LP) and was intrigued by the name. I spent so long looking at Judy's website and being intrigued by the emphasis on both strength training and increasing flexibility (again, stretching is where I found some relief). I will be honest - I was incredibly intimidated to attend a class because of how chronically weak I thought my body was. I finally decided to call Judy and rambled on about my laundry list of 'problems.'

Judy just had this incredibly soothing and kind energy as she actively listened. She told me how Core (LP) could be a good fit for me because of how low impact it was, and how it would absolutely strengthen my core. All she said was to 'give it a chance, come to an intro class.' I went to at least 2 free intro classes (even took my husband one time!) and as I still carried the fear of injury, I proceeded to have two private sessions with Danielle. I don't know how the team at Core (LP) came to exist because even Danielle was just the absolute kindest and patient trainer. She met me where I was and gave me the confidence to sign up for the two week special. From there I immediately signed up for the unlimited membership. There were two specific reasons I joined:

  1. Judy & Danielle's kind, welcoming and encouraging energy was like a breath of fresh air for someone who had just about given up on living pain-free

  2. While I was sore in places that I truly did not know existed, I remained injury-free over the span of a month (a massive win in my book)

fibromyalgia, lagree, weight loss, pilates princess, fitness journey

What do you love most about Core (LP)?

I think it's hard to point to one thing I love the most!

The instructors are wonderful at Core (LP). While most of my classes are with Judy & Danielle due to my work schedule, I have taken a few classes with Arsharel & Nicole who are also wonderful. All the instructors somehow know each person's injuries/areas of concerns, and are mindful of checking in mid-session while providing personalized modifications during specific moves. The small sized classes are amazing! A normal occurrence in classes with Judy includes her coming by and adjusting you. She always checks in to make sure my core is properly engaged (which also prevents injuries). For example, when she adjusted me yesterday, it completely changed the entire move for me (and again, I discovered new muscles that I didn't know existed!). Just when you think you have figured out a move, she performs a minor adjustment and completely elevates its effectiveness! It is true what they say - it doesn't get easier but you become stronger.

I also love how you don't have to think about programming your workout at Core (LP). The instructors spend so much time doing that. Your workout will inevitably cover the entire body...even areas that perhaps are not your favorite! (ex. my terribly weak shoulders and upper body!). 

I love Core (LP)'s focus on women's health. Not only do they host wonderful workshops that are set up to help women navigate their journey pre and post partum, but oftentimes during our sessions, instructors always say to add weights depending on where your body is today, being mindful of how women's bodies change during the course of a month. It is just so helpful to hear that while you are sweating and shaking - encouraging you to meet yourself where you are that day.

“I very much enjoy the community at Core (LP). You will find individuals at all levels here. I can't tell you how many times my wobbly self has been encouraged by others who are so much further along on their lagree & fitness journey.”

What has been your biggest accomplishment at Core (LP)?

My biggest accomplishment has been consistency. I also am so grateful to Core (LP) because showing up for myself has helped move my stagnant chi around and perhaps has even empowered me to refine agency for myself.  Since starting at Core (LP), I have been able to take smaller steps in my health journey by finding answers to some of my other mysterious inflammatory symptoms.

What are some of your fitness goals in the next few months?

I feel like I am still at the beginning of my fitness journey so my goal right remains consistency, where I strive to show up at least 3 times a week. Hopefully by just showing up I will slowly get stronger. I am also hoping to continue to work on the nutrition side of things and hope to start to incorporate more breathwork into my life.  

What is something you love doing outside of the gym?

Currently, my husband and I are trying to navigate our newly discovered food sensitivities so I have been really enjoying all the extra time we have been spending in the kitchen.

One fun fact about you!

I grew up in Kenya!


Core (LP) Turns 1